Sunday, 21 September 2014

Recording The Player,Band Within a Studio Environment :) There Is No Hiding...................................

Ask anyone, the studio is a completely different ball game from the stage or rehearsal room.

The is no hiding, no excuses or blaming the drummer, unless the whole band agree which seems the easy way out for the real players mistakes lol.

It's tough here especially if a number of factors around you haven't been prepared for that special day. Here is a few I recommend before stepping into the world of the recording studio.


Prepare your gear, yes I guess this dates back to the one from school days like I left it on the bus or my dog ate it, come with leads, working tuner, batteries(even if you have steal them from your sister's top draw or your brothers portable DVD player) 

Restring your guitars a couple of days before, make sure they are setup right and electrics maintained.

Dead strings sound like well, dead strings and a guitar that sounds like it trying to pick up NASA'S new space station every time you remove your hands off the strings is not going to help your recording efforts. Your be surprised how often this wastes studio time sorting these.

Drummers take note same as above if a kit hasn't been re skinned since your uncle gave the kit out of his top shed which Keith Moon wee on at the last gig in the 70's it will sound like some unknown unheard sound when a mic is in front of it.

Guys and Girls if it sounds bad it will sound worse with a mic in front of it.

Like usual singers your ok just turn up a hour later maybe 2 than the band they would be set up by then and no carrying, oh lyrics if you need them.


Know your songs or the ones your covering, yes head scratching,rabbit in headlights, using drum sticks as a lethal weapon all come into play on this one.

Make sure your rehearsed and know your parts in your sleep, so many bands with small amount of studio time decide to write the last verse, chorus, verse, riff ending while in here.

If you know it so well that you just play and done, its going to get the beers open quicker.

Ok maybe not the beers thats a bad idea.

Right Im going back to the mixing now more tips coming as the is a few more DO's and DONT'S on this list

Regards all :)

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